Friday, June 3, 2005

David "Now" superimposed on David "Then"

Because I have a reputation for reading all the time (while practicing my anti-social traits), Davio thought this superimposition would be a nice touch. Also gives you a better idea of the sad state of my greying hair. [Note to Davio: We must do something about that soon.]

Interestingly, a number of the pictures in the 30-year-old batch that Donald sent to me were, yes, of me reading. Mind you, at least in those days it was the Sunday funnies!

That cryptic aside to Davio above: Over the years at the Rainbow Room (our home away from home), Davio and I would go into the kitchen at the back of the club with a $5 bottle of hair dye (sorry, coloring) and "do" our hair. It became a tradition, but has fallen by the wayside. Looks like we need to re-establish it. He's in Florida at the moment, but as soon as he returns...

1 comment:

David said...

Yup, now and forever more...